Monday, November 16, 2015

Are we right in condemning Facebook for not offering the Lebanon flag after Beirut bombings?

Was the world even aware of the Beirut bombings?

I would first point fingers at the media. Many of us from the internet generation are passive beasts. We get fed information - and so much of it, that we rarely seek news proactively. The Lebanese crisis did not feature as prominently on the news wires. Then there is the second point with regards to exposure. I personally have more french friends, as compared to Lebanese friends. I am more worried about the crisis in Paris because i have more friends and family there than i can count on my fingers while i do not know anyone in Beirut. Does that mean i don't condemn the attacks in Beruit? Ofcourse i do! I still do care about terrorism anywhere/everywhere in the world, but i naturally would be more concerned when it happens someplace i have a personal connection with. And then - Why stop at Beirut? Where was the outcry when 147 people were killed in Kenya? Maybe the right attitude is - Dear Facebook - good job on supporting France. Can we do something similar for other such atrocities? and not - Facebook - how dare you care only for France?

Monday, November 09, 2015

Finn's identity in Star Wars The Force Awakens

Holy Force!

JJ is not sharing the full names of the lead characters from The Force Awakens for good reason. Due to a goof up by Amazon - it has been let slip that Finn might be Lando Calrissian's son!!!!

What do you think?

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The discrete state of streaming media

The  content for TV and online streaming services is at its epitome - right from quality of production to the writing, acting and scale. Streaming was supposed to be the answer to a customer's dilemma of traversing the confusing world of cable and satellite television. Watch any content on demand! Netflix and Chill!

However - here is what i need to do to get my fix of tv:

Use netflix for House of Cards, Amazon Prime for Man in the High Castle,  Sky for Game of Thrones and FreeView for Big Bang Theory. A new Star Trek series is launching and its going to be exclusive to the new "CBS All Access" streaming service. To make things even more complicated, when I travel, my services cannot guarantee access to my programs, since their licensing terms are geo specific.

Essentially, each streaming service is becoming a channel for me to get my dose of television, I will need to buy access to all these channels. How is this any different from where we were in the beginning?

How many streaming services will i need to subscribe to?